Join the Friends of North Stanly Trails and Parks
The primary purpose of the organization is to maintain our trails. We have many dedicated volunteers who spend a good deal of time maintaining the trails. When we extend a trail or create a new trail section, it often requires some funds to purchase materials or to pay someone to do something beyond our typical maintenance capabilities. The funds for those come from our members, like you.
Annual membership is for the current calendar year. Memberships are tax deductible as the Friends are a 501c organization.
As a member, you can attend membership meetings to contribute your ideas regarding future decisions about the trails.
We have two options by which you can join as a member to help us maintain and continue to extend the trail system.
You may print the membership form and snail-mail it, along with a personal check, to the organization at PO Box 882, Richfield, NC 28137. Click here for that form.
Or, you can click here to go to a Google form. After completing the online form, please return to this page to submit your payment. (This option is currently being worked out– please be patient with our figuring this out!)